How To Develop A Problem-Solving Mindset

3 Quotes To Help You Think Differently About Your Problems

“Whatever the problem, be part of the solution. Don’t just sit around raising questions and pointing out obstacles.” Tina Fey

When you’re faced with a problem, you will find yourself at an intersection. We then have a choice. We can either continue to focus on the problem or shift our mindset to finding a solution. We only have so much energy to give before we feel completely drained and depleted. As we approach the intersection in any situation, we always have two options. We can place our time, energy, and focus into complaining and ruminating over the problem, or we can take that same time, energy, and focus and put it into the solution. With every situation, there will be multiple obstacles and challenges—that’s the inevitable part. Yet as we approach the crossroads of what to do next, it’s essential to be mindful as we approach the next step. That means we take our energy, our focus, and learn to hone in on the solution. Even if that solution isn’t crystal clear today, complaining and trying to change what’s out of our control will not help us. Remember, you are the solution. Focus on the solution.

“Do not blame the world. Find a solution.” ― Sri Chinmoy

There seem to be a lot of questions that arise when we are dealing with a problem. We want to have the answers immediately and may find ourselves blaming others. We may be quick to blame our parents if we feel they didn’t set us up for success the way we thought they should. We may blame a terrible boss when we are miserable at our job. We blame the traffic when we are late for work. Here’s the issue with handling the situation that way—we give our power away. Our power is that we can control only what we can control. We are always in control, even though it may not feel that way. There are tools to learn how to be successful, there are different jobs with a better boss, and if we know there tends to be traffic on the way to work, we can leave earlier. We can’t blame the world for the circumstances we are placed in. Remember, you are the solution. Focus on the solution.

“A person who sees a problem is a human being; a person who finds a solution is visionary; the person who goes out and does something about it is an entrepreneur.”

As long as we are alive and breathing, our lives will incur setbacks and trials. None of us are immune to life’s problems. Some days, those challenges will be small, and other days all-encompassing. It’s something we all have in common. Yet, we all have something else; we have the option of choice. We can see challenges and solutions from a different angle. A visionary is a person that can look at a situation from a broader, cleaner lens. A person that can focus on future possibilities and understand that this problem isn’t permanent. We also have the choice to treat our lives as though each of us is an entrepreneur, which I believe each of us is, in some capacity. We are in charge of ourselves, our decisions, and our choices, which means that we are a leader of ourselves. When we shift our mindset to think that we are the owners of our own life, it heightens our worth. We are here to do a job, and not just one we punch a clock for. We are here to become the best person we can be. The next time you’re faced with a challenge, tell yourself that you are the entrepreneur of your life. You are in charge of how you deal with any situation at any time. Remember, you are the solution. Focus on the solution.

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