15 Simple Ways To Take Back Your Life and Feel More Energized

In a world full of trying to do it all in less time, racing through life instead of finding our calm and sleeping less to achieve “more,” we may find ourselves exhausted and defeated. We often run on the thought loop of “I feel tired” or “I am feeling low on energy.”

One of the most important things we need to remember is to start by getting enough sleep. The National Sleep Foundation advises we aim for at least 7 hours at night, but when that doesn’t suffice, here are 15 more ways to fight back against sluggishness.

  1. Schedule a physical and have your blood work checked. A blood test can help you and your doctor to conclude if there are any underlying issues. Blood tests offer an insight into a wide array of issues from cholesterol levels to thyroid function.
  2. Ensure you are getting enough Vitamin D. A lack of vitamin D can be a big culprit of sluggishness, especially during the winter months.  This information will also be a part of your blood test.
  3. Hydration is your best friend. Most of us think that we are getting enough water, but sadly we aren’t. Start your day drinking a full glass of water, and then hydrate consistently all day long. It is now recommended you drink half of your body weight in ounces. Not drinking enough can cause headaches and fatigue.
  4. Watch your sugar intake and become knowledgeable of the swings you can have as a result. Especially if you have diabetes, know what to eat, what to avoid, and what to limit.
  5. Keep in mind, stress and anxiety deplete you. A constant state of anxiety is one factor that can deplete the body of energy. Take time to get outside, do yoga, journal, or find other helpful options to make space to feed your soul.
  6. Eat the right kind of breakfast. Watch out for cereals, as sadly, many contain too much sugar. I can’t stress enough how important it is to read labels and become knowledgeable about the foods we consume. I prefer rolled oats and add things like cinnamon, chia seeds, and blueberries. Another good option is avocado on whole-wheat bread.
  7. Continue to eat foods all day long that support energy, such as leafy green vegetables, quinoa, and sweet potatoes. Eating healthy doesn’t need to be overcomplicated. Aim to consume foods in their natural state and shy away from processed foods.
  8. Eat often. I aim never to be too full and never too hungry. Think small meals and snacks every few hours. This approach can combat fatigue, offering your brain a steady supply of nutrients. Typically between lunch and dinner, I snack on an apple and a handful of nuts so I can fight back against the 3 pm afternoon slump and not overeat at dinner.
  9. Sit by a window. Sunshine and light do wonders for the mind and well-being. Don’t forget your sunscreen even while inside and during winter.
  10. Write things down and get items scheduled. Ruminating over all the things you have to do diminishes your brain energy. Use a planner or your phone calendar, and take the time to get yourself organized.
  11. End your day by letting go. I close my workday by writing my to-do list for the next day. Once it’s down on paper, I try to forget about it. That means, once I hit the pillow, my mind isn’t racing about all the things I have to do. I know what I have to do, and I leave it at that. Worrying about the list doesn’t get it done any faster.
  12. Limit alcohol. I love a nice glass of champagne or wine, but I know even one glass can slow me down. Although having a drink at night may make you think it will help you fall asleep faster, it can disrupt your sleep and can make you sluggish the next day. Be mindful of your alcohol intake.
  13. Get your body in motion. Studies show sedentary people who began a regular exercise program reported improved fatigue. If your schedule allows, take an afternoon walk, step away from the computer, or if you’re working from home, get a mini workout in.
  14. Breathe in some rejuvenation. Certain scents help ease the body and help with grogginess. Eucalyptus and citrus oils can refresh a tired body and mind.
  15. Lastly, remember it’s ok to check out. If you feel like you’re on the verge of burnout, this is your body’s way of saying it needs help. Maybe that means you do grab and go, so you don’t need to cook dinner, or perhaps it means the house chores don’t get done this weekend, and instead, you hit the hiking trails or the beach, depending on where you live. I hope I am not the first one to tell you it’s impossible to keep life running on all cylinders in all areas of your life. A sink full of dishes or an unmopped floor is the least of your worries if you collapse from exhaustion.

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