40 Positive affirmations to live your best life

Affirmations are positive phrases that you repeat to yourself.

Repeating positive affirmations can help you overcome challenges and self-sabotaging thoughts.

While we may be great at affirming positive, helpful messages to our friends and family, most of us struggle to say the right things to ourselves.

Research tells us that affirmations can help lower stress levels, increase well-being, improve academic performance, and makes us open to changes in our behavior.

Your mind is a powerful tool when you learn to use it in your favor.

I like to remind myself of this:

Nothing we say to ourselves goes without a consequence.

With that being said, it’s important the messages and affirmations we tell ourselves are helping us succeed.

Save this pin as a reminder 🙂

Here are 40 Positive affirmations to live your best life:

1. I am in charge of my life

2. I am successful

3. I am important and make a difference in this world

4. I am brave and take on challenges

5. I have confidence and stand up for myself

6. I see failure as a chance to learn

7. I trust the path my life is on

8. I am enough

9. I am worthy of an extraordinary life

10. I ask for help when I need to

11. I welcome new opportunities into my life

12. I am stronger than I know

13. I am a problem solver

14. I have the courage to handle challenges

15. I surround myself with positivity

16. I choose habits that help support me

17. I am at peace

18. I forgive those who have hurt me

19. I am open to new experiences that will better my life

20. I have the power within me to have a growth mindset

21. I have the strength to deal with setbacks

22. I am open to wealth and abundance

23. I am building a solid foundation for my life

24. I am proud of the person I am

25. I am thankful for every opportunity that comes my way

26. I am at peace with my past

27. I am powerful

28. I am motivated to seek out opportunities

29. I am open to changing my life to make it better

30. I am building a life I love

31. I focus my time on the things that serve me a higher purpose

32. I let go of what no longer serves me

33. I feel grateful for every single day

34. I am open to positive change in my life

35. I am one-of-a-kind

36. I am proud of myself

37. I add value to the world around me

38. I am a money magnet

39. I am emotionally independent

40. I am financially secure

How Do Affirmations Work?

Did you know that science tells us we can rewire our brains? In other words, we can change the thoughts we have.

You may not realize it, but most of us have a negative bias. Long ago, when we were hunter-gatherers, we spent most of our existence trying to ward off predators. We used our time to seek out danger and problems. As a result, our minds are still on high alert for danger.

Here is where the beauty of neuroplasticity or your brain’s ability to change, can help us rewire our thoughts. Repeating the positive affirmations, such as those above, allow us to think positive and have a growth mindset.

Why You Should Use Affirmations

Affirmations can:

help you achieve a growth mindset
build confidence
help you develop a higher sense of self-worth
lower stress
refocus your mind (distance yourself from negativity, and instead focus on positivity and joy)

Related: How To Develop A Growth Mindset And Revolutionize Your Career

How Long Does It Take For Affirmations To Work?

Affirmations are similar to any other habit you are trying to form in your life. Most habits take at least 30 days to see results. That’s not to say, they may take a lot longer to work.

Keep in mind, after 30 days, you should continue to use them.

Like all other habits in your life, you must remain consistent if you want to see long-lasting results.

Related: Seven Habits To Skyrocket Your Success Like A Boss

How To Use Affirmations

You can use affirmations the best way they will serve you. I usually repeat affirmations when I feel that I’m going off course, becoming negative, or I want to boost my energy and put myself in a feel-good mood.

Some people say they like to look in the mirror, but I don’t find the strategy suitable for me. That doesn’t mean it won’t work for you.

Another way you can use affirmations to help you is to write them down. You can write them in a journal, in your planner, or on a piece of paper before you go to bed at night.

How to Develop Your Own Affirmations

If you want to write your own affirmations, here is what to do.

1. Put each affirming sentence into the present tense.
For example, you would say I am successful; not, I will be successful.

2. Use positive words and phrases.
Avoid using words such as can’t, don’t, won’t, am not

3. Create statements you believe In
Let’s say that one of your goals is to get in the best shape of your life. The challenge is you know that you have some work ahead of you. Instead of repeating to yourself, I am in the best shape of my life, you may prefer to say something like, I am open to being extremely fit.

4. Choose words that bring joy and excitement
Think about using words such as positive, powerful, strong, excited, thankful, and worthy.

5. You may wish to start with “I” statements
I find that starting my affirmations with “I” are more effective.

6. Find a length that works for you.
Affirmations can be any length you wish; however, I prefer simple sentences that are easy to remember.

What Is The Best Way To See Results From Positive Affirmations?

The best way to see results from affirmations is to take action.

Although the messages that you repeat to yourself are beneficial, that is not to say you don’t have to put in the work.

You can’t just tell yourself that you’re fit and full of energy and then not do anything else except repeat the affirmation.

Supplement your affirmations with the proper habits. Although your mindset is an extremely powerful tool to help get you started, it’s the action that will help complete the process and get you the results you deserve.

Only use affirmations that bring value to your life. Find the ones that resonate with you the most.

Lastly, consider the goals you are trying to achieve and pick the most suitable affirmations to support you.

Have you ever used affirmations before? Did you find them helpful? I would love to hear in the comments below.

Supplemental book recommendations on affirmations and mindset.

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