8 eco-friendly Products for you to try this year

One // Two // Three // Four // Five // Six // Seven // Eight

Earth Day is being celebrated on April 22nd this year, but there are many ways we can make a difference every day to help our planet.

All of the items on today’s list can be found on Amazon and can help you reduce waste and plastic use.

A Soda Stream is a great way for all of us seltzer fans to cut back on cans and bottles. After I gave up soda a few years ago, I switched to drinking seltzer because I still loved the feeling of the refreshing bubbles. I use the Soda Stream every day, as it helps me stay hydrated, and it can be a little bit more fun than drinking plain water. I also add a fresh lemon slice. Although we currently have a black one, I love the look of the White Soda Stream. If you are a seltzer fan, you may want to think about cutting back on cans and bottles and start making seltzer at home.

Next on the list are these microfiber makeup remover cloths. They are genius! You only need a little bit of water to remove your makeup. We can officially say goodbye to costly makeup remover. They are the perfect alternative to disposable cotton rounds or face wipes. Once finished, you can hang them up to dry or throw them in the washer. They come in other colors too. I purchased the black so you wouldn’t see the makeup stains as much. 😊

I love the look of these reusable shopping bags. You can fit a lot of groceries into each bag, as they can fit up to 12 can goods, making them perfect for shopping for your family. Another great find on the list is the reusable mesh vegetable bags. I use to cringe every time I would go through so many green plastic bags while picking up my produce for the week. With the mesh vegetable bags, you can scan the bar-code right in the bag, giving you the convenience of not having to remove your groceries. Also, they are washable.

*You can also use the bags for carrying small toys to the beach or when you need a small reusable bag.

These reusable coffee filters can be a great alternative to plastic coffee pods if you own a Keurig. It can be a great way to save money because you fill the coffee filters with coffee from a bag rather than buying the pods, which can be costly.

Lastly, these bamboo paper towels can be a great alternative to helping with cleaning up around the house. The room in the house that always seems to keep me on my toes is the kitchen. Instead of wasting a bunch of paper towels for water spots or minor cleanups, I use these instead. When I am done using them, I throw them in the washer and reuse them.

Do you have any other items you recommend that can help reduce waste and plastic? Let me know.

Click the numbers above to shop the post 😊

Happy Earth Day, friends, be well.

Disclosure: I only recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are my own. This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission. This helps keep my website up and running. I appreciate you and your support.

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