Why It’s All Going To Be Okay

“Through darkness comes light, through fear comes love, and through pain comes triumph.” -Lilly Atlas

This past year is one we never saw coming.

The little things we were once accustomed to became far out of reach. Perhaps unknowingly, we were all comfortable with the immediate gratifications in life.

These past months have awakened us to sacrifice, sadness, and overwhelming stress.

We haven’t been able to gather with friends. Travel has been mostly out of the question. We have been told we can’t get on the dance floor at weddings, and time spent with family has almost ceased to exist. At its worst, many of us feel the loss of a loved one.

Nothing has been easy. Nothing feels right.

It has felt surreal. All moments in some capacity have felt detached from reality.

Yet, through the darkness, other blessings have unfolded. I know we are on the right path, although we may lack the clarity to see it that way.

Growth is found in an uncomfortable state. With fear comes change, development, and rebirth that shakes us awake with newness.

I hope from this trauma and transition that you don’t remain the same person because you aren’t meant to.

You were meant to be so uncomfortable that you never return to the person you once were. That person is gone.

The new layer of your identity is rooted in the fact that you lived through a pandemic.

You have become stronger than you realize. You have become more resilient than you may notice.

I hope you find yourself being kinder to others.

I hope you never take another day for granted. I hope you find a new respect for yourself after fighting so hard.

Focus on what you learned. Focus on who you have become.

Continue to evolve, transform, grow and learn.

We are all okay.

Embrace the new you.

Together, we shall come out stronger than ever.

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