
How To Give Yourself The Same Care And Love That You Give To Others

I think it’s safe to assume that, as women, we often put others’ needs before our own. Showing up for aging parents, spouses, children, and work can put a lot of daily strain on our lives.

We may even put our self-care on the back burner until everyone else’s needs are taken care of.

I want to take a moment and remind each of us that if we wait until the day that everything seems to be “under control” to worry about our self-care, this day may never come. There will always be something or someone that pulls at our attention.

We shouldn’t wait until our to-do list is empty or until the kids are older to show up for ourselves.

 It’s essential to ensure that our needs are also being met, even amidst everything else happening around us.

Related: Tips To Learn To Make Yourself A Priority

A friendly reminder I like to tell myself is self-care is not selfish.

We may be quick to think that slowing down, taking a vacation, or sleeping at least 7 hours at night is silly when we have too many things that need to get done, but the reality is we all need moments to restore our energy.

Sure, we could all check off more to-do items if we cut corners on our sleep, but this is not a good idea in the long run.

Would you want your kids or another loved one missing out on sleep or rest when they are starting to feel burned out? I am going to say probably not.

So why not have the same love and care for yourself?

Start with this—

If you have a hard time putting yourself first because you feel the pressure coming from all angles of your life, begin by blocking off time on your calendar for self-care.

What does this look like?

Perhaps it’s meeting a girlfriend during the week for a coffee, treating yourself to a manicure, taking a long walk, or going to the movies alone while your husband is with the kids.

Whatever you choose to do, schedule time for yourself so that when other people need to rely on you, you will be fulfilled.

I once shared a room with Oprah, yes, Oprah! It was a “big room,” to say the least. We were at the Lincoln Center on the West Side of Manhattan. I will never forget what she said to me that day.

Sure, I may have been in a room with thousands of other people, but it felt like she was talking directly to me.

She said, “Your real work in life is to fill yourself ‘til your cup runneth over so that you’re never grasping and needy, clamoring and insecure.”

Save this pin as a reminder 🙂

I have to admit I struggle with this.

I sometimes get sidetracked and put all my energy into helping others, but it ends up hitting me hard. I feel depleted, achy, weepy, and saddened. In those moments, I remind myself it is not my job to save others and that I need to take time to replenish myself.

Oprah went on to say, “If we aren’t trying to become our best selves, then we aren’t able to give our best selves.”

I return to her words often. Then I get back to working hard to show up for myself. Eventually, when the time is right I can get back to helping others.

A few items I love that help to fulfill my selfcare:

Jade Roller & Gua Sha Facial Beauty Roller Skin Care Tools

I keep my roller in the freezer. I use it in the morning on my face and neck. Not only does it wake me up, but it helps to reduce puffiness. I use it to smooth out the oils I use on my face, but you can also use it with your moisturizers or cream to help spread it out evenly, so it distributes deeper into your skin. The jade face roller is made of rose quartz, and it can also firm your skin and make it look dewy and lifted.

Yogi Tea

I sip on caffeine-free yogi tea at night to unwind and relax. Each tea bag has a quote or saying that helps to inspire and make you feel good. The tea is caffeine-free, gluten-free, vegan, and kosher. The Ayurvedic ingredients help to promote relaxation and ease mild tension.

REVLON Moisturizing Relief Paraffin Bath

I purchased this paraffin bath after my physical therapist recommended it. My hands get very sore from typing and using the computer. The wax helps soothe my hands after a long day working. After a few appointments using the paraffin bath at his office, he recommended I get one for home use as well.

However, even if you don’t have sore hands, the paraffin wax is perfect for maintaining healthier-looking skin, especially in the winter months. You can even use it on your elbows and feet. It comes with 3 pounds of wax and you can purchase refills whenever you need to.

Collagen Facial Masks

I wear these face masks when I need a refresh. They make my face feel moisturized and replenished.

I buy them in bulk, and they come out to be only 62 cents each!

They have natural ingredients and are paraben-free, cruelty-free, and hypoallergenic.

Return to this post whenever you need the reminder (and permission) to make sure you are showing up for yourself, not only during the holiday season but always.

What items do you love that help with your self-care?

*Disclosure: I only recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are my own. This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. This helps keep my website up and running. I appreciate you and your support!

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