How To Stay Positive And Accomplish Big Audacious Goals

Setting lofty goals for ourselves can be undeniably exciting, but they can also be downright exhausting. No matter how much energy and enthusiasm we muster up, showing up every day can be draining.

Many times, it takes a daunting effort to see big goals come to fruition. Seeing our goals through can be difficult because they can take a long time to achieve. Depending on what goal you have set for yourself, it can take months before you see results. Once the excitement has worn off, we have to rely on other important factors like our mindset and habits to see our goals through.

Here are 3 essential things to keep in mind when you’re striving for big audacious goals.

1. Know That Not All Days Are Created Equal

As of lately, you may find your energy levels all over the board. The lows can feel extremely low with everything that has been going on in our world. I think it’s important to recognize that not all days are created equal when it comes to our energy. As I talked about in last week’s blog, stress and anxiety can deplete our mental energy. If you have a mentally draining day, you may be left feeling more exhausted the next. A bad night’s sleep can leave you feeling worn-out. Each day I try to gauge how I feel to understand how much I can accomplish that day. Our current situation with the pandemic has been mentally exhausting, and it has not been easy to keep up with even the day-to-day tasks. Go easy on yourself. Expecting to run at 100 percent all day every day is a little out of the question. On the days you feel great, don’t be afraid to push yourself, but when your battery runs low, you can’t be afraid to unplug and re-charge.

2. Place Your Attention On Everything You Did Right

Have you ever ended the day stressed out because there are still a dozen things you didn’t get to? Or as it’s time to start to quiet your mind, are you just ruminating over everything you didn’t get finished? We tend to be our harshest critic, and it isn’t in our best interest. Focusing on the things you did right will help to create flow and good energy back into your life. Remind yourself of the things you were able to accomplish no matter how small they are. Were you able to cross off one item on your to-do list? Or clear out that third junk drawer in your kitchen? Or what about making one business call that helped move your career forward? It’s imperative to take time to give yourself credit, so you don’t get burned out. We can end the day worrying about all the things we didn’t get to or all the things we did right, but the latter is so much better in the long run.

3. Focus On Consistency

Consistency is crucial when working towards big goals. It’s more important that you show up and tackle small, consistent wins rather than trying to go too hard too quickly. Think about it this way, say you have set a fitness goal. Is it more important to strive for 10-20 minutes every day of exercise or work out excessively every few weeks? Many people think that small baby steps won’t get you very far but over time, consistently showing up for yourself is where real growth happens. Octavia Butler tells us this, “First forget inspiration. Habit is more dependable. Habit will sustain you whether you’re inspired or not.” That’s because small, consistent choices establish habits and lifestyle changes. Now you have a solid plan, not just behaviors you do every now and then.

Whatever you do, don’t give up. It is worth it to see your goals through. Now go make those goals happen!

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