Simple Ways To Create Clarity In Your Closet

When it comes to closet organization, there are three important things to focus on.

The goal should be that our closet brings us joy, offers clarity, and be kept organized.

Life can be super messy, but if we take the time to organize our closets, we can create a space for our clothing that makes us happy.

We probably don’t take the time to think about it, but our clothes can be a substantial investment both personally and financially.

If you think about it, we have handpicked each item in our closet at some point or another.

When we open our closet, we may not realize it, but it gives off energy. That energy can feel free-flowing or toxic as it can create unnecessary stress if it’s messy or unorganized.

It helps to think of our closet as a space that should reflect our best selves.

There are many simple strategies to building clarity in your closet, and some of them you can even start today with just five minutes of your time.

Begin with this—

Prepare Your Mindset

Before you even think about cleaning out your closet, I think it’s important to focus on how you’re feeling. If you’re already in a state of stress or having a bad day, this may not be the perfect time to take on such a big project. Cleaning a closet takes a lot of energy, especially if you will be getting rid of clothes.

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If you find yourself feeling good, grab a cup of coffee, or a nice glass of wine, put on some music, and prepare yourself for the project ahead

*Who says you can’t have some champagne while you clean your closet?*

You may even want to grab a girlfriend if it makes the process easier.

If you feel that you are mentally up for the challenge, here is what you can do next.

Designate A Time On Your Calendar Or Decide How Much Time You Will Allocate To Start

I, for one, often tackle really big projects with baby steps. If someone were to say that I had to clean my whole closet in one day, I would feel overwhelmed. I’d probably shut down and hate the entire process. Some prefer to take everything out of the closet, to start with an empty rack and shelves. This particular method doesn’t work for me either, as I would find myself exhausted halfway through.

Instead, you can break the project up into chunks of time that work for you. Maybe it’s 20 minutes on a Saturday or a Wednesday night after work or when the kids are at school if you work from the home. Whatever you decide what works, schedule it, so it becomes real, and allot a time frame that suits you best.

Let’s Talk Color

I started color-coding my closet a couple of years ago, and I love the aesthetic of having my clothes in order. This process makes it so much easier to find things, it can save you lots of time when you’re trying to get ready quickly in the morning, and it’s a cost saver because you know exactly what you own. You’re not going to waste your time going to the store to get a black t-shirt because you can already see that you have three in the closet.

Remember, Less Is More. Aim for A Minimalist Closet

Not all of your clothes need to live in your closet at once. I live in New York City, and I am all about utilizing space. Until the day I have my dream walk-in closet, I rotate my closet out depending on the season. Since we are now into the fall, I recently swapped out all of my summer items stored in bins that sit up top in my closet. I also keep my holiday styles put away because I like to see more of the clothes I’m going to wear all the time.

Pro tip: Aim for a minimalist perspective.

Donate Or Sell Items You No Longer Need

For the items that no longer bring you joy, it’s time to let them go. Donating your clothes is practical and eco-friendly. To make the process easier, give them to an organization you are passionate about. For example, I once brought a giant bag full of clothes I no longer needed and donated to an organization that provides interview wear to New York City residents who do not have the means to buy business attire. Although it wasn’t particularly easy to let go of so many clothes, it felt good to give to those who needed them more than I did.

Search for donation centers, thrift stores, or any other organization in your community that will take items you no longer need.

If you wish to sell some of your more expensive items, you can use websites such as Poshmark, eBay, and Facebook Marketplace to list your items and sell them.

*Pro-tip Give yourself a deadline to drop off items to donate. Don’t place it somewhere else in the house where you’re not going to see it. Before you know it, months will go by, and the bag will still be sitting there. You can immediately place it in your car to drop off or put it next to the front door.

Find Hangers And Storage Bins That You Love

The day I traded in my bulky plastic hangers for sleek white hangers with rose gold wire was a good day. It’s pretty interesting what swapping out a few bulky multicolored hangers can do. The velvet hangers come in many different colors, and their design makes it easier to hang more items because they are more slender than the plastic. For financial purposes, keep in mind you don’t have to invest in all of your storage items at once.

Below are a few items I chose to help myself get organized. I love the grey closet storage bins because I can use them for anything from purses to extra sweaters. They also go with the light and airy theme of my bedroom.

Reassess As Little Or Often As You Would Like

You may consider using some of these same strategies each time you rotate your clothes out at the start of a new season. However, you may also want to get rid of something each time you buy something new.

Remember, cleaning your closet isn’t a one-time thing. Maintaining your closet is a marathon, not a sprint. Take your time, find a process that works and use a method that suits you to sustain a closet that brings you joy.

Let me know how your cleaning goes, as I would love to hear which strategies you found the most helpful.

Save this pin as a reminder 🙂

*Disclosure: I only recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are my own. This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. This helps keep my website up and running. I appreciate you and your support!

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