boss babe habits

12 Boss Babe Habits That Will Instantly Make You More Successful

Have you ever seen a woman that somehow keeps it all together even during stressful times? Or one that can handle multiple things happening in her life simultaneously while running a business?

It’s likely because she uses boss babe habits to conquer her day so that she isn’t being slowed down by procrastination, adversity, and time-wasters.

Some of these habits may not come easily, but I like to think of habits as a muscle. We can develop the strength to run our lives more efficiently through consistency, practice, and persistence.

So without further hesitation, here are 12 boss babe habits that will instantly make you more successful:

Run Your Morning Routine Like A Boss

Jumpstart your morning with some of the most important things you will do all day. Opt-out of hitting the snooze button and skip the social media scroll. Drink plenty of water first thing. Map out your day and start working on the most challenging tasks. The morning hours typically are when we have the most energy, so don’t put off important matters until later in the day because you may not get to them. Concentrate on completing the tasks that are the most important to your success.

Get Yourself Organized

Life can get very hectic but keeping yourself organized as much as possible will help to alleviate extra stress. I find the key to keeping yourself organized is to test out different strategies that suit your life best. I use a physical planner and my calendar on my phone. For quick reminders, I’ll use voice to text in my notes app while I am out and about. Set time aside at the beginning of each month to view upcoming meetings, schedule necessary health appointments, and note important dates, such as anniversaries or birthdays, so you aren’t racing around last-minute.

Own Your Circumstances

A lot can happen to us outside of our control, but always remember you are not here to be a victim. Regardless of external circumstances that detour you off your path, do your best to conquer every situation that comes your way. Tony Robbins tells us, “Successful people spend 10% of their time focused on the problems and 90% of the rest, focused on the solution.” When faced with a problem, write it down on paper and develop as many ways to solve it as possible.

Be Cognizant Of The Amount Of Negative Energy You Consume

Negativity in our lives can present itself in both physical and non-physical forms. From the moment we wake up, we can be exposed to an infiltration of things that can cause anxiety, stress, and feelings of negativity. Pay attention to how your mind and body react while absorbing information throughout the day. Understanding where the sources of the negativity come from can help minimize the effects. Although it’s important to be mindful of what is happening all over the world, an abundance of negative news all the time can stifle us.

Minimize pop-ups on your phone, unfollow social media accounts that are not beneficial to you and your mental well-being, and tread lightly on news consumption.

Everyday conversations with family and friends are all sources that can defeat us unknowingly.

To reduce the negative energy that streams into your life, set boundaries and know how to say no when necessary. Check out my other article here, where I discuss how you can prevent negative thoughts from overtaking your life.

Cut Out Procrastination As Much As Possible

Procrastination is often used to avoid anything uncomfortable, difficult, boring, or stressful. If this sounds like you, you aren’t alone, 20 percent of adults have the habit of procrastinating, but this doesn’t have to be the case. Being a boss babe means that your focus is on taking action. Try your best to create movement on things the first time you think of them, and don’t let things linger. Before you can even spend the 3 seconds reminding yourself why you don’t feel like doing something or saying the words I don’t feel like it, instead begin.

Write Down Your Goals

To keep going strong in life, creating exciting goals can draw passion and focus in your life. I strongly advise working towards at least three goals at any given time. The goals can be in all different categories, such as a health goal, a personal development goal, or a career goal. The goals you set can be small, such as those that can be completed in a week. Or bigger goals that you work on long-term. What’s most important is that you are always aiming at excelling and taking yourself to a new level of your best self.

Never Stop Learning 

Every successful queen knows she must continuously be improving herself. One of the fastest ways to accomplish this habit is to read. I get it—many of us think, who has time for that? But hear me out, you don’t need to stress yourself out trying to read 300-page books; start small. Can you listen to a book on the way into the office? Or read an article related to your field on your lunch break? How about starting a book club with a few friends who can help keep you motivated? Focusing on your personal development for even a few minutes a day can add up over time.

Take Charge Of Your Finances

The finance world can be overwhelming for many of us. There is an abundant amount of financial information we have access to, but the best part is that we don’t have to know everything. There is no need to stress about the nuances of all things personal finance; that’s where financial advisors come into play. Yet, we can still take charge of our finances by consistently monitoring our accounts, taking steps to pay off debt where necessary, and having a plan in place for the future.

Check out my other articles below that can help you create a financial roadmap to success.

Related: 7 Healthy Money Habits You Need To Start Today

Related: 6 Powerful Ways To Boost Your Happiness With Money

Be Willing To Slow Down When Necessary

Although I love the mentality of attacking each day and accomplishing as many goals as possible, we also have to think about the other important side of being successful—knowing our limitations. If we get burned out, we are of no use to anybody.

Many of our problems can be solved with proper rest to restore our mental well-being. We may feel a lot of pressure to trek on and accomplish more in shorter periods, but a lot can evolve in a state of calm. We can see solutions clearer, and it gives our minds and souls a chance to catch up. Getting adequate rest can prevent getting burned out.

Related: The Fight Against Burn Out And What You Can Do About It

Be Mindful How You Talk To Yourself

The words you use to describe yourself, how you speak to yourself, and whether you tell yourself you can or can’t do something matter tremendously. To help your mindset focus on positivity and increase confidence, affirmations can be a powerful tool to support you.

Affirmations are positive words and phrases that you repeat to yourself.

If you aren’t sure where to start, don’t worry; I made you a list of 40 positive affirmations. Choose the ones that speak to you personally and keep them somewhere when you need them as a reminder.

Take The Responsibility Of Giving Yourself Space And Moments Of Solitude

We all need time alone now and then. Give yourself time each week away from matters in your life that are constantly requiring your attention. Schedule personal time at a coffee shop, walk in the park, or head to the gym for a yoga session to keep yourself running as your best self.

I have heard from my mom friends that the mommy guilt can feel real, but I believe you will be a better parent after an adequate break.

Be Mindful How You Handle Adversity

Life can become difficult, and I don’t know about you, but I feel we have all had our fair share of setbacks. I like to remind myself that it doesn’t matter if we get knocked down 100 times; we just need to make sure we get up 101.

When it comes to adversity, find inspiration from others who have experienced setbacks in your field of work. Stay focused on the lessons you learn when you are faced with failure. Remember, there is no growth without a little bit of struggle.

Related: How You Can Change Your Habits To Live A More Successful Life

*Disclosure: I only recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are my own. This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission. This helps keep my website up and running. I appreciate you and your support!

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