light and airy bedroom

12 Ways To Create A Bright And Airy Bedroom You Love

In this post: How you can create a bright and airy bedroom with décor inspiration, how you can achieve a minimalist looking bedroom, and how to design a room that brings you joy.

We recently finished decorating our bright and airy bedroom, and I am so happy with the way things turned out.

I believe a bedroom should put you in a state of calm and can help lay the foundation for a good night’s rest. It should also be a happy place that brings awareness to self and serenity.

After all, it’s where we begin and close our day.

If you have been wanting to create a bright and airy bedroom or are looking for some home décor inspiration, I hope you find this post useful.

Here are 12 ways to help you create a bright and airy bedroom

Disclosure: I only recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are my own. This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission. This helps keep my website up and running. I appreciate you and your support.

1. Clean Out Clutter

Mother Teresa once said, “The more you have, the more you are occupied. The less you have, the freer you are.”

With that being said, when creating a bedroom you love, start by cleaning out the clutter. We want to enjoy our bedroom, not feel overrun with materialism. It can be stressful to have stuff everywhere and not know where things are.

To start getting rid of clutter,begin with a small box and fill it with items that no longer make you happy. Or you can achieve this by organizing one drawer.

Getting organized doesn’t need to be some monumental all-day task.

The best habits are built upon gradually, so as you get yourself organized, focus on the simple tasks that will get you the results you want.

Only hold onto useful items you love or can’t live without.

2. Aim For A Minimalist Look

When you choose neutral colors as your base, you can always go back and add color later with decor.

I love starting with muted, neutral colors such as beige, white, cream, or ice blue.

Remember, more isn’t more. Instead, less is more.

Less offers clarity and purpose and eases the tensions of feeling overwhelmed.

If you enjoy brighter colors or like to change things up, as I do, you can add seasonal touches, such as a cute blanket with fall colors or a pumpkin spice candle during Autumn.

3. Freshen Up Your Pillowcases

How often should you change your pillowcase?

Well, that, my friend, is up to you. Some experts will tell us every few days, and others will say we can go up to ten days or so.

My honest thoughts are— what’s manageable for you? If you can remember to swap out your pillowcase halfway through the week, great. If not, I think there are more things to harp over than a pillowcase you have slept on for seven days.

Take other things into account, such as if you struggle with acne or allergies.

I aim to wash my bedding once a week.

Although with more oversized comforters, I tend to go a little longer because, honestly, washing big blankets and comforters can be a pain in the butt.

It’s usually the sheets and pillowcase I am more concerned with.

Pro Tip: Many pillows can also use a good washing every few months. Check the manufacturer’s instructions on your pillow to see how to do this depending on the material used.

4. Get Cozy

Adding a soft fluffy blanket is a must. After a long hard day, it can be comforting to snuggle up in bed. Again, I go with a simpler color, but as I mentioned before, you can have different colors depending on the seasons. Also, I have been known to swap out my throw blankets with the ones in the living room to mix things up.

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5. Use Minimal Wall Hangings

Is it ok to leave walls blank?

Yes! 😊, that’s perfectly ok. Not every wall needs to have something on it.

For the walls you choose to decorate, find pieces you love and don’t mind looking at every day.

6. Make Sure Your Dresser Is Clear Of Clutter

Dressers tend to be a place that can accumulate many little things that can pile up. If we aren’t sure where to put something, our go-to may be to toss it on the dresser.

Try to ensure that everything in your room has a “home.”

Store your jewelry away and keep it organized

Keep paper items filed away. I love to store all my papers using a file organizer.

Pro tip: If you purposely decorate your dresser, say with a nice jewelry box, picture frame, plant, or small lamp, you will less likely throw unnecessary items on top of there.

7. Light A Candle You Enjoy

Finding a candle you love can be very welcoming and bring joy to your room. Play around with different scents until you find the perfect fit.

Lavender can be very calming and can help create a relaxing environment.

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8. Use LED Soft White Light Bulbs

I love the look of warm, soft white light bulbs. Think soft, warm colors that are welcoming but bright enough to awaken your senses.

These lights add a delicate touch to your room, offering good enough lighting to read but not so bright that it is overwhelming.

9. Add A Pop Of Sleekness With Lamps You Love

Safavieh lamps are my favorite. I use them on my nightstands and in my living room.

 I find them stylish but not overwhelming. Because the lamps I chose are a bold piece, I don’t have a lot of extra room to place anything else on the nightstands, so the books I read at night are tucked away in the drawer.

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Here is another style I like

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10. Utilize Flowers Or Plants That Bring You Joy

Flowers and plants can bring a touch of the outside to your bedroom. Of course, you can use real flowers throughout your bedroom and house, but I enjoy a few faux plants.

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11. A Mirror Can Add Depth To Your Room

I love using small round mirrors to reflect light in the bedroom. Mirrors can also help to make your space appear bigger than it is.

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12. Add a Cozy Rug

If you have wood floors, you can add a rug that ties in with the room.

I keep a smaller one in front of my mirror. I have been known to use it all over, including on my closet floor.

 During Christmas, I used the rug as a tree skirt! Because—why not? 😊

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One final note: It took us a long time to get the bedroom the way we wanted. It was at least six months from when we moved into the apartment. Take your time finding what makes you happy. Also, don’t feel like you have to buy everything at once. It can be a process that’s done slowly over time.

What other tips do you have to organize your room? Let me know in the comments.

*Are you also looking for ideas to organize your closet?

In this post, I share how I organized my closet. I chose neutral sleek hangers and bins that are stylish and non-bulky. Although most of us probably keep our doors closed on our closets, you don’t want to put all that effort into cleaning and organizing your room and then be back to feeling overwhelmed once you open your closet.

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