better your life

20 Ways To Better Your life When You Only Have 5 Minutes

We are all busy. I get it. Most of us don’t have loads of extra time, but rather small moments throughout the day we can make better use of our time.

Whether we are waiting in the check-out line or have a few minutes after dinner is cleaned up, try one of these ideas below that can be done in a few minutes.

Here are 20 ways to better your life when you only have 5 minutes:

Clean Out Some Emails

Our email inbox can become super cluttered within a few days. Even a couple of minutes a day can help us stay organized to eliminate our inbox from overflowing.

Use this time to unsubscribe from subscriptions you no longer need and file away important emails into labeled folders.

Do Some Squats

Most of us live very sedentary lifestyles. Many of our jobs demand that we sit at a desk for most of our day, and if we commute, it can land us sitting for too many hours.

Squats can help strengthen your glutes, quads, and hamstrings. They also can help prevent injuries and help prepare you for climbing stairs. Start small if you are new to squats, and aim for a couple of sets of 12-15.

To get more out of the squats I do at home, I use these workout bands and put them around my upper thighs, creating more resistance.

If you want to see more of my tips for working out at home, click here to learn how to get a workout in with no major equipment needed.

Do Some Yoga

Speaking of sitting all day, a quick yoga break can benefit your health. When I am in a pinch for time, the downward dog is my yoga pose go-to, which can help with fatigue, back pain, and stiffness.

Sure, we should be doing more than 5 minutes, but a few minutes is better than none.

Place Your Phone Out Of Sight During Dinner

If you are the type to sit at the dinner table while scrolling through your cell phone, it may be time to reconsider the habit. Consuming your meals while watching a screen can lead to overeating because you aren’t entirely mindful.

Regardless, it’s a habit you should ditch, especially if you are eating with others. Be in the moment with your company, not scrolling through your phone.

Check Your Bank Account

If you have your bank app on your phone, it should only take a few minutes to view your bank account. Use the time to view the recent activity and ensure everything is accurate.

Also, keep an eye out for any banking fees. These are typically around $10-$12, but they can add up.

Most apps even provide your credit score, something we should all be aware of what that number is.  

I also wrote an article here with 12 ways you can boost your financial wellness.

Text A Friend

Keeping up with relationships can be challenging. Texting only takes a second and can turn someone’s day around.

I also recently read it’s crucial not to keep tabs on who is reaching out. Not all of our friends are good at keeping in touch, but make things easier on yourself, and if you want to text someone, don’t wait to hear from the other person. We never know what’s going on in someone else’s life.

No matter how busy we get, working on our relationships, especially those that are meaningful and worth keeping around, is important. Quality relationships are hard to come by.

Journal About Your Day

Journaling can be used to set the day’s intentions or reflect on the day.

Reflecting can help you focus on what went well and what you can work on. It also helps us slow down and focus on the most important things. See if journaling in the morning or evening fits you better, and go from there.

Look At Some Beach Photos

When the weather gets cold, and it becomes darker earlier, seasonal depression can kick in for some of us. Taking a few minutes to peruse the internet for some relaxing beach photos can be calming and ease anxiety.

Better yet, plan a vacation; it can give you something to look forward to. 

If you see a beach that inspires you, write down the place you would like to visit and add it to your dream board. You never know what the future holds in store for you.

Send A Thank You Card To Someone That Helped You Recently

Taking the time to show appreciation for others can make a difference in someone’s life. It doesn’t need to be a lengthy card or even fancy; a simple note to show gratitude is more than enough.

Think of a friend, first responder, mailman, hairdresser, doorman, teacher, or another person who has recently impacted your life, and send a quick note of appreciation.

Drink A Glass Of Water

Our bodies are made up of around 60 % water, so letting ourselves become dehydrated can wreak havoc on our health. Not drinking enough can cause headaches, fatigue, and other problems.

Take a few minutes and fill up your water bottle, and if you have a desk job, this is also a great opportunity to get up, move around, and rest your eyes.

Do A 5 Minute Cleanup Somewhere In Your House

When you are short on time, there isn’t enough time to do a deep clean, but a quick cleanup is better than nothing. Take a look around and choose one thing to focus on.

It could be clothes on the floor, cleaning off your dresser, or wiping down the kitchen counter. It’s those little wins that may make you feel a little bit better.

Go Through Your Mail That’s Lying Around

Mail can quickly pile us, especially if you are the type of person that gets your mail and doesn’t go through it right away.

Do your best to get in the habit of taking 5 minutes to go through your mail as soon as you get it. Recycle what’s not needed and file away the rest. 

Call And Schedule An Appointment That You Have Been Letting Linger

Sometimes the months can fly by, and before we know it, we have missed a yearly physical or are overdue for teeth cleaning.

Use your phone or calendar to track recent appointments with your doctors, dentists, and specialists. Then, schedule any necessary appointments in the next couple of months.

Prevention is the best medicine.

A 5-minute call to your doctor can be life-changing and help prevent more significant problems.

Disinfect Light Switches, Remotes, And Doorknobs

Grab a disinfectant wipe and clean surface areas that are touched frequently. Doing so can help stop the spread of infection, especially if you have small children and frequent guests.

Sit By A Window

Sunshine and light do wonders for the mind and your well-being. Sit by a window if you can’t get outside during the day.

Keep in mind, though; it’s important to remember sunscreen even while inside and during winter months.

Review Your Professional And Personal Calendar

Assess what is coming up in the next week or two so you aren’t running around last minute.

Be on the lookout for upcoming travel plans, holidays, and significant birthdays or events. We aren’t all the best at planning, but try to be proactive vs. reactive.

Make A To-Do List

I was recently asked how I stay so organized, and without a doubt, I can tell you it’s to-do lists. I am constantly revising and revisiting my to-do list. I keep a tangible planner but also use my calendar on my phone.

Maintaining a to-do list helps me to stay on top of things and alleviates items falling through the cracks.

Write Down Your Goals For The Day

To keep going strong in life, creating goals and visualizing what you want out of your life can draw passion and focus daily.

Goals don’t need to be overwhelming; start by writing down a few obtainable goals today.

They can be simple such as writing that email you have been meaning to get to or taking a chunk out of a bigger goal and breaking it down.

Goals will help you take yourself to a new level of becoming your best self.

Look Online For A New Book To Read

It’s always a good idea to have a good book on tap. Take a few minutes and search for a book that sparks your interest. Then, when you have some extra time to spare, you will have something ready to go.

Read Helpful Articles Online Like The Ones Below

We don’t always have much time to read throughout the day, but even an article here or there (like this one) can help boost our mood and allow us to learn something new. Check out some more of the helpful articles below.

How To Prepare Your Mindset To Dominate Your Goals

Here’s How To Take Your Leadership Skills To The Next Level

50 Goal Setting Ideas That Will Change Your Life

Do you have any other ways you use 5 minutes to help you better your life? Let me know in the comments.

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