5 Actionable Ways To Reset And Get Back To Happy

In this article: How you can reset your life and get back to happy, strategies to create change and take total ownership of your life, and mindset hacks to become solution-focused.

If you have hit a rut and feel like it’s time to make some changes in your life, do not fret. With a little bit of work and some mindset shifting, you can make change happen.

When you feel down or stuck, there’s no better time than the present to hit the reset button.

Having the instinct that something is off is usually the first sign I look for. It usually is a cue that I need to change something about my life.

Here are 5 actionable ways to reset your life and get back to happy:

1. Be Careful Where You Put The Blame

You may arrive at a point in your life where you know some things need to change to get to the level of happiness you desire. When you reach that point, it may seem convenient to blame something or someone else for where you are in your life.

It’s almost always easier to place the focus outward so that you don’t have to do the deep work of changing yourself.

Let’s take a look at some examples of what that looks like to place the blame externally:

I don’t know how to save money because no one ever taught me how.

I can’t afford to eat healthier because healthy food is too expensive.

I can’t lose weight because I don’t have time to work out.

Using those types of statements take the pressure off of you and places it on something else, but I reassure you that these types of statements are what will keep you stuck.

Instead, no matter where you find yourself, use this moment in your life to take full ownership. While the statements above do hold validity, they shouldn’t be used as an excuse for why you can’t achieve growth and change.

Remember, you are in charge of your life.

While we can find many reasons to blame other factors for getting in the way of our progress, it’s up to us to make the positive changes we need to make regardless of hurdles and challenges that come our way.

Self-reminder: “It will be easier for me to create change in my life if I take ownership and accountability for my actions and choices.”

2. Shift Your Mindset To Become Solution-Focused

When life tries to walk all over you, your instincts may be to put all your energy into being consumed with the problem. Yet, it doesn’t serve you very well to place all your energy on the issue once you have acknowledged the problem.

Instead, plan to put all of your energy into drafting as many solutions to the problem as possible. You may even want to use a piece of paper to jot down ideas and brainstorm.

It’s beneficial to approach the situation from many angles.

Ask yourself, what are some solutions I can come up with to shift my mindset from problem-focused to solution-focused?

Self-reminder: “Even if the solution to my problem isn’t crystal clear today, complaining and trying to change what’s out of my control will not help me.”

Related: 40 Positive Affirmations To Live Your Best Life

3. Take A Step Back And Examine Your Life

It doesn’t hurt to slow down, get quiet with yourself and take inventory of what’s going on in your life. What does your “gut” try to tell you? Do you feel happy, rushed, fulfilled, overwhelmed, or withdrawn?

If you find a part of your life that needs some support, now is the time to help yourself.

Ask yourself, what are the things I need in my life right now to move forward?

Is it resources? Time? Clarity? Using questions like these will help you come to a place that can best serve you.

We often assume we don’t know how to fix our situation, but we may surprise ourselves when we become intentionally quiet.

Creating this habit of checking in with yourself is like a thermostat’s job for a car. Many of us are trying to ramp up and go 100 miles an hour, but we never slow down long enough to check-in and make sure we’re not overheating.

Take a long look in the mirror, girlfriend, because you are the perfect person for the job. I believe our intuition is always there to guide us, but if we are too busy running around in circles ignoring that feeling, the answers will not come.

Self-reminder: “I know myself better than anyone, and I am perfectly capable of making the changes I need to make to find more joy.”

Related: 20 Tips To Help You Live A Better Life

4. Practice Change Until You Get It Right

We often don’t seek change until the fire drill happens in our lives. And what I mean by that is that we constantly fight against change because it usually seems too hard in the moment unless it’s an emergency.

Yet, it’s essential to realize that we are often responsible for making the change so difficult. Real change takes strength and perseverance. Most of us fail multiple times, but those who fail and pick themselves up are the ones that will progress to their intended destination.

Remember, it’s not a question of whether we will fail or not because we will in some shape or form.

Now that we have that out of the way, we must ask ourselves, am I going to give up when things become hard?

Don’t feel like you ever have to go through your journey alone as you begin to make changes. Take a look at others who have accomplished what you are looking to do. Study them, watch what they do, and look at their habits and lifestyle. Emulate their behavior.

While at some point, you may need to create new ideas for treading new territory, at least you will have the fundamentals, and you are well on your way.

Self-reminder: Change takes consistent work and dedicated effort, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t possible. I will keep showing up for myself until I get it right.

5. Be Willing To Let Go Of Habits and Behaviors That No Longer Serve You

Change doesn’t take place on the idea that things will stay the same. Change always requires growth, and that means letting go. Letting go of that part of you that keeps you stuck—releasing the mindset that tells the old narrative. The old stories you have repeated to yourself must be thrown out so you can step into the new.

It’s not that I am saying who you currently are isn’t good enough, but rather, you have to be willing to say goodbye to the old parts of yourself that no longer get the job done.

Self-reminder: “If I want to become a new me, I must let go of the old me.

Related: 12 Boss Babe Habits That Will Instantly Make You More Successful

If you found this post helpful, download my FREE Ebook, Wildly Inspired where I share 21 ways to help keep you motivated 😊

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